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Asbestos in the ground can pose a problem

Asbestos can contaminate ground soil, aggregate or spoil. It can be difficult to spot, but the impact of not identifying and risk assessing a site can lead to HSE involvement, as well as possible criminal prosecution and civil claims.

Asbestos can find its way into made ground and soils in many ways, such as historic demolition of buildings or fly-tipped waste to name just two.

Asbestos in made ground soils is mostly immobile, although when contaminated ground soils are disturbed, and fibres are more likely to be released. These asbestos fibres can be inhaled and potentially cause respiratory diseases.

RB Asbestos have helped a significant number of clients to minimise the costs and time associated with handling asbestos contamination. We can carefully guide you through the approach, ensuring you fully comply with all the relevant asbestos legislation in the UK.

Need help with soil contamination?

At RB Asbestos Consultants we will help to determine the following:-

  • Are ACMs (asbestos containing materials) present in the soil, spoil or aggregate?
  • Is there a risk of any release of asbestos fibres into the air?
  • Is there a risk of any such release exceeding the control limit for work with asbestos?
  • What is the appropriate course of action to reduce potential risks?

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If you have any pressing questions that you would like to ask with regards to our services, you might find your answer in our frequently asked questions. Check out some of the questions that the RB Asbestos team are most commonly asked by reading the tabs to the right. If your query is not included within our FAQ’s, you can get in touch with our dedicated team by simply calling us now on 0800 141 2676.

How does asbestos get into soils?
The most common method is poor demolition of buildings. However erosion of asbestos materials or dust from brake linings can also cause this.
Can you provide advice when asbestos is found in soils or spoil materials?
Yes we have a lot of experience in this area providing advice for key clients around the UK.
How do you test soils for asbestos contamination?
There are several procedures from visual inspection of the site through to detailed laboratory analysis.
When is asbestos released from soils?
Asbestos fibre release from soil depends on multiple factors, such as, ACM type – loose fill, insulation, lagging, asbestos insulation board (AIB), cement etc. ACM condition – degraded/ damaged/ broken up. Weather and underfoot conditions – wet/ damp or dry, moisture content.


Need a fast response? Call us on 0800 141 2676 for an instant quote, or enquire online and we will get back to you within 24 hours with a quote Enquire Now


RB Asbestos regularly help clients in a diverse selection of industries by providing them with our leading asbestos services. Explore a selection of the sectors that we regularly work in below.

RB Asbestos protect many businesses from asbestos

  • Lancashire NHS logo
  • McDonald's Logo
  • Cygnet logo
  • Stobart logo
  • Lambert Smith Hampton logo
  • Edmundson electrical logo
  • North West Ambulance logo
  • Amazon logo
  • The Manchester College
  • The Original Factory Shop Logo
View our case studies

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