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This website is owned and operated by R B Asbestos Consultants. The design, images, and content of this website are owned by R B Asbestos Consultants and/or their partners, and are protected by intellectual property law. You are permitted to view the content of this website on screen. You are also permitted to print or download extracts to your hard disk for your own private and domestic use, unless otherwise stated. However, you must not use any part of this website for any commercial purpose or on any other website without prior expressed permission. Copyright © R B Asbestos Consultants. All rights reserved.

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By using this site visitors agree to use it only for lawful purposes. Visitors agree not to bring or use on our website any viruses or any activity which may damage, interfere with, intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions visitors agree that they will at all times use the website with common sense and care. R B Asbestos Consultants reserve the right to alter these Terms and Conditions as required. By continuing to use this website it is implied that visitors accept the Terms and Conditions / Privacy Statement contained herein.


The information contained within this website is for informative purposes only and is provided to visitors without charge. Whilst every reasonable attempt has been made to ensure that the content is accurate and up-to-date, R B Asbestos Consultants cannot be held responsible for it’s accuracy, or that it is free from error. Nor can any liability be accepted for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage resulting from the use of this site.

Data Protection

We are committed to protecting visitors whilst visiting and it is possible to use this website without disclosing any personal data. The site does not facilitate communication between visitors or allows the posting of any information that can be accessed by others. When visiting this site, R B Asbestos Consultants collects information regarding visitors to our website – we track which pages are accessed and when they are accessed. We also use information provided by each visitor’s internet service provider which enables us to track usage behaviour and compile data that will allow the continual improvement of this website. Visitors are not identifiable at any stage of this process.

This website uses email forms to enable visitors to request information on the products and services we offer. We only request information that enables us to serve our customers and do not request data that is not relevant. We make visitors’ contact information mandatory (eg. name and email and/or telephone number) and this allows us to respond to visitor’s requests. Any other information provided such as company name, number of employees for example, is used solely to assist in visitor’s enquiries. Any information provided is used to process the request(s) visitors have made and is never shared with any third parties.

Visitors should be assured that we control all data strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. And as such, we hold data accurately, securely and only for as long as necessary, and those who submit data have a legal right to a copy of all the information held by R B Asbestos Consultants (please note that an administration fee may be applicable for this service up to a maximum as set by law). You also have a right to correct any errors that may be present in that information.

External Links

R B Asbestos Consultants may offer links to other websites via this site but does not endorse any other companies or offer any guarantees or accept any responsibility for any content or service(s) offered via such websites. These links, if offered, are offered purely as a service and visitors should consider the Terms and Conditions of any other external website(s) that the R B Asbestos Consultants site links to.

Further Information

If you have any questions about any aspect of the R B Asbestos Consultants website, need further information about how to use it, or if you no longer wish to receive the information that you have asked for, please contact us and your enquiry will be dealt with.

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