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We can help you manage asbestos in your property

Asbestos is the greatest single cause of work-related deaths in the UK, as it leads to diseases such as mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer. Managing asbestos in properties that you own or control is a legal requirement, unless it is a domestic property.

RB Asbestos have over 30 years of experience when it comes to helping clients manage asbestos – that’s commonly found in premises built before the year 2000. If you have a single property, or a property portfolio spread throughout the UK and Europe, RB Asbestos can support you throughout the process of managing asbestos in your premises to ensure that you are legally compliant.

The Asbestos Management Plan

An asbestos management plan is a written document that details the location and condition of any asbestos containing materials (ACM’s) within a property. Step one of the management process is ensuring all asbestos containing materials are safe, sealed and clearly labelled (where appropriate).

It is the duty holder’s legal responsibility to manage the asbestos within their property. They may require appropriate asbestos awareness training or duty to manage training – which we can provide at RB Asbestos.

The management plan requires regular reviews and revisions in relation to the occupancy or change of use to the building. In most cases, it is a legal requirement that the plan and any ACM’s are reviewed and inspected at least annually.

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If you have any pressing questions that you would like to ask with regards to our asbestos services, you might find your answer in our frequently asked questions. Check out some of the questions that the RB Asbestos team are most commonly asked by reading the tabs to the right. If your query is not included within our FAQ’s, you can get in touch with our dedicated team by simply calling us now on 0800 141 2676.

What is an asbestos management plan?
Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, the duty holder of a property has a legal obligation to manage any asbestos containing materials that are under their control. A management plan details who is responsible and how ACM’s will be managed. The management is implemented after the asbestos survey is completed.
What is a duty-holder?
The duty holder is the person in charge of maintaining the property by virtue of a lease. It can also be the property owner or a combination of both. If you are unsure give us a call on 0800 141 2676.
Can I prepare my own management plan?
Yes, providing you have the appropriate training, knowledge and qualifications. You will need to ensure all aspects of the legal requirements are fulfilled.
How often do I need to review my management plan?
You should aim to review your management plan at least once every 12 months. And your review should also involve a re-inspection of all asbestos containing materials. If ACM’s are in a position where they can become damaged, then they should be inspected more frequently.
Do I have to label asbestos materials?
Legally you do not have to label asbestos containing materials. If you don’t however, you should have a good reason not to. Most organisations tend to label up ‘back of house’ areas, but not public facing areas. If you do not label asbestos, then you need a ‘permit to work system’ to protect staff and contractors.


Need a fast response? Call us on 0800 141 2676 for an instant quote, or enquire online and we will get back to you within 24 hours with a quote Enquire Now


RB Asbestos regularly help clients in a diverse selection of industries by providing them with our leading asbestos services. Explore a selection of the sectors that we regularly work in below.

RB Asbestos protect many businesses from asbestos

  • Lancashire NHS logo
  • McDonald's Logo
  • Cygnet logo
  • Stobart logo
  • Lambert Smith Hampton logo
  • Edmundson electrical logo
  • North West Ambulance logo
  • Amazon logo
  • The Manchester College
  • The Original Factory Shop Logo
View our case studies

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