Asbestos Keynote Speaker

Our Managing Director Greg Byrne, has almost thirty years of experience in the asbestos industry. Joining Airflow Laboratories Limited in 1987 and learning his trade under former NOHS National Occupational Hygiene Service employees.

Greg and a former director subsequently started their own company in the asbestos industry. This company was the beginning of what is now RB Asbestos Consultants Limited.

Around 2005 the business was joined by Stacey Byrne the Finance Director. Under her sound fiscal guidance and Greg’s industry experience, the business is now thriving and successful. Some of our key clients have remained with us for 30 years.

For over thirty years in the industry, Greg has been fortunate enough to work not only in most type of industrial, commercial and domestic environments, but also for a wide range of blue chip companies, international business and government organisations.

It’s this experience that allows him to speak with authority on all aspects of asbestos compliance and how they affect different individuals and organisations.

Greg firmly believes you firstly need to understand your client and then whatever concerns they have. Simplifying the complex nature of asbestos compliance is what our organisation does. In doing this, the surveying and administration teams are all actively encouraged to work with and speak directly to clients.

Educating and informing others on asbestos

Greg is well supported by these strong back office and surveys teams. This allows him to fulfil his passion of acting as a keynote speaker at events. This can be educating and informing students and apprentices from school leaver age through to degree level, talking at asbestos charity and mesothelioma education days or speaking at workshops organised by solicitors for asbestos victims and their families.

Greg is keen to educate others on asbestos, the current asbestos regulations and the responsibility of employers to protect employees, contractors and members of the public from the risks associated with exposure to asbestos containing materials.

He is also focused on connecting the two sides of asbestos in the UK. The side on which he works with, construction companies and duty holders and the side where asbestos victims are fighting for recognition and compensation. Greg firmly believes these two sides need to work more closely together to achieve a better understanding of the importance of the work we do and the terrible consequences of failing to manage asbestos appropriately.

Greg firmly believes an asbestos survey supported by an asbestos management plan and appropriate asbestos awareness training are vitally important. These are the backbone for any individual or organisation seeking compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012

Meeting professionals, medics & asbestos victims

Speaking at many events about asbestos as a keynote speaker, Greg has had the opportunity to meet an array of interesting individuals including Mavis Nye, the Meso Warrior, and Adrian Dobbs, a Research Chemist from Greenwich University actively looking for a cure for mesothelioma. More recently Greg has spoken to nurses, doctors, lawyers, and asbestos victims and their families at events in Newcastle, Barrow, Birmingham, London and Cardiff. Greg has also delivered talks as a visiting lecturer at Edge Hill University, West London University and UCLAN.

Whether you are a charity, an educator, an employer, a Health & Safety Manager or just interested in asbestos, Greg is happy to present for you and act as a keynote speaker.

Most of our charity work is free of charge and we actively support Mesothelioma UK.

Need a keynote speaker for your next asbestos event?

Are you holding a conference or event where you need someone to speak about asbestos?  No problem! Greg would love to act as a keynote speaker on the subject  – call Janice today to arrange on 0800 141 2676.


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