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Providing Professional Asbestos Surveys

It is the responsibility of the duty holder (i.e. the owner or maintaining tenant of a premises) to commission the asbestos survey – asbestos surveys are a legal requirement as stipulated in the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. A duty holder who has not fulfilled their legal responsibility regarding asbestos can face prosecution by the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) if an employee, tenant or member of the public is exposed to asbestos.

Being an independent consultancy, who do not carry out asbestos removal, we have no vested interest in discovering asbestos in your commercial property.

When you need to know if there is asbestos in your property, RB Asbestos Consultants can help you select the survey which is suitable for you. All of our surveys are undertaken by an experienced Asbestos Surveyor, adhering to HSG 264:The Survey Guide.

Management Surveys

Management Surveys are the minimum required by law for non-domestic properties built before 2000. A non-intrusive survey, it covers all visible and accessible areas of your property. It is designed to account for general daily activities that are likely to occur within a property during normal occupation and use – including maintenance.

Once completed, should any asbestos be present, the Management Asbestos Survey will detail the asbestos type, location, extent and condition, alongside any surface treatment and remedial action that needs to be taken following the discovery. You are then required to draw up a ‘management plan’ to protect employees, tenants or contractors from exposure to asbestos.

Enquire Now for a quote or to book one of our management surveys.

Refurbishment/Demolition Asbestos Surveys

Refurbishment/Demolition Surveys are a legal requirement where the premises, or a part of it, requires upgrading, refurbishing or demolished. This could include removing walls, doors, windows etc. or installing new equipment.

The demolition survey need not necessarily cover the whole property. In our experience, it is often better to target the survey at the specific work which will be undertaken.

A Refurbishment/Demolition Survey is much more intrusive and involves destructive inspection methods. This can include, lifting floor coverings, breaking through walls/ceilings and behind wall cladding to gain access to all areas within the building. The area being surveyed must be, wherever possible, vacated.

Not sure which asbestos survey you need?

No problem – RB Asbestos can easily assess this for you. To identify which asbestos survey you require, give our dedicated team a call now on 0800 141 2676.

Or if you are unable to speak to us over the phone right now, you can also get in touch by completing our quick and simple online contact form.



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If you have any questions that you would like to ask with regards to our asbestos surveys, you might find your answer in our frequently asked questions. Check out some of the questions that the RB Asbestos team are most commonly asked by using the tabs to the right. If your query is not included within our FAQ’s, you can simply get in touch with our dedicated team by simply clicking the ‘get in touch’ button below.

Get in touch

How much does a survey cost?
This really depends on a combination of factors. Determining factors include the size of the property and particularly the number of rooms. Also, the age of the property can be an important factor too.
What is a management asbestos survey?
This is the basic survey that all none domestic properties built before the year 2000 are required to have. It’s a visual inspection combined with the sampling of materials that are likely to contain asbestos. It is a legal requirement under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
What is a refurbishment/demolition survey?
If you plan any type of work that goes beyond a management survey, you need a more detailed asbestos survey. This should reflect the work you intend to do. It can be invasive and involve putting holes in walls and ceilings to get greater access to the property fabric. This is also a legal requirement under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
What type of asbestos survey do I need?
Generally, it will fall into the two categories; a management asbestos survey or a refurbishment/demolition survey. To find out which of these asbestos surveys you'll need, contact the RB Asbestos team today.
How often do I need an asbestos survey?
The initial management survey will suffice, providing you keep the materials checked on at least an annual basis within an asbestos management plan. It is only when you plan some form of work to the property when you will need a further asbestos survey. At this stage, you will require a refurbishment/demolition asbestos survey.


Need a fast response? Call us on 0800 141 2676 for an instant quote, or enquire online and we will get back to you within 24 hours with a quote Enquire Now


RB Asbestos regularly help clients in a diverse selection of industries by providing them with our leading asbestos services. Explore a selection of the sectors that we regularly work in below.

RB Asbestos protect many businesses from asbestos

  • Lancashire NHS logo
  • McDonald's Logo
  • Cygnet logo
  • Stobart logo
  • Lambert Smith Hampton logo
  • Edmundson electrical logo
  • North West Ambulance logo
  • Amazon logo
  • The Manchester College
  • The Original Factory Shop Logo
View our case studies

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