Home News Asbestos Surveyor: Best job in the world?

Asbestos Surveyor: Best job in the world?

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Last Updated on 15 December 2022

Is being an Asbestos Surveyor the best job in the world?

OK, the best job in the world may be arguable. However, our RB Asbestos surveyors get to travel to interesting towns and cities and work in some amazing buildings as part of their job as a Surveyor.

Having the job as an Asbestos Surveyor means we go to places the average person in the street may never get to; back of house in historic buildings, outer roof areas with great views over cities, and we tend to meet really interesting knowledgeable people who are passionate about these places as well.

Only this year we have worked on The Mall, The River Thames and Park Lane in London, as well as travelling all over Scotland’s amazing towns and cities.

From working in listed buildings, churches, stately homes and single malt distilleries to assisting full on production facilities making everyday household items, our team have seen it all.

We have also worked in a fudge factory in Scotland and yes, it was that good!

What qualifications does an asbestos surveyor in the UK require?

In the UK, a person needs to meet particular educational qualifications and certifications in order to operate as an asbestos surveyor.

Depending on the precise type of job the surveyor will be undertaking and the environment in which they will be working, these specifications may change.

In the UK, asbestos surveyors must generally possess at least a P401 certification, a nationally recognised credential that certifies their expertise in asbestos surveying.

They might also need to possess additional certificates, such as the P402 certification needed for more complex jobs like asbestos management and asbestos removal.

What does the job of an Asbestos Surveyor involve?

An asbestos surveyor is a professional who is trained and qualified to identify, assess, and manage asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in buildings.

The primary job of an asbestos surveyor is to conduct asbestos surveys, which involve inspecting buildings to locate any ACMs, collecting samples of materials for analysis, and providing a report on the findings. Based on the results of the survey, the asbestos surveyor may recommend a course of action to manage the ACMs, such as enclosing or removing them.

Asbestos surveyors may also be involved in monitoring the condition of ACMs over time and in providing advice and guidance to property owners and workers on how to manage asbestos safely.

Pros and cons of the job

It can be a difficult yet rewarding job to work as an asbestos surveyor. The ability to assist in safeguarding workers and the general public from the negative consequences of asbestos exposure, the chance to work in a variety of locations, and the possibility of career growth are some potential benefits of this position.

On the other hand, there are a few possible drawbacks to take into account. The work of asbestos surveyors can be physically taxing and stressful, and we may be exposed to substances that could be dangerous.

Additionally, as surveyors, we must be trained and certified in order to carry out our duties, and the industry of asbestos surveying is governed by strict laws.

Although the element of travel is a massive upside to being an asbestos surveyor, the downside can be time away from family, and spiders in dark spooky places.

However, this does not take anything away from the job we do as a Surveyor, and if it’s done well, you could be saving people’s health or even their lives in some cases.

What we do is important, fun, interesting and exciting. Is being an Asbestos Surveyor the best job in the world? Maybe not, but it’s certainly not far off!

Contact RB Asbestos today!

Do you have any exciting building of which you are a custodian? Is your asbestos survey and management plan up to date?

RB Asbestos can help you with your asbestos related problem, providing asbestos surveys and management plans nationwide.  We can also help with asbestos sampling and testing and asbestos awareness training.

Speak directly to one of our knowledgeable and helpful advisors for any further information, by calling RB Asbestos today on 0800 141 2676. If you can’t speak to one of our advisors over the phone right now, you can also contact us online.

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