Home News Can I remove asbestos myself in the UK?

Can I remove asbestos myself in the UK?

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Last Updated on 10 October 2023

can I remove asbestos myself uk

Wondering if you can remove asbestos yourself?

Think your UK property could contain asbestos and wondering ‘can I remove it myself?’

Firstly, If you suspect that your property may contain asbestos, it is absolutely pivotal that you address your suspicions and identify a solution as soon as possible.

The simplest way to approach this, is by seeking advice and receiving a survey or having a sample taken by a trained professional.

It was in only 1999 when asbestos was banned for all forms of use in the UK, so it is still regularly discovered in homes and businesses up and down the country.

If you suspect asbestos may be present in your UK property, or it’s been detected through survey/sample analysis, you may plan to remove it yourself.

However, in our latest article the experts at RB Asbestos explain why planning to remove asbestos yourself in the UK could be a catastrophic decision, and provide information on how our dedicated team can provide you with the perfect solution for your asbestos related worries.

The dangers of removing asbestos yourself in the UK

Attempting your own asbestos removal is not advised. The removal of asbestos is a specialised task that should only be carried out by qualified professionals.

This is because asbestos fibres, which can be dangerous if inhaled, are easily released into the air during the removal process.

Serious health issues like lung cancer and mesothelioma can be brought on by inhaling asbestos fibres.

So to reiterate, unless you hold a license from the HSE in the UK or are fully trained to remove ‘lower risk’ asbestos containing materials, it is highly advisable that you allow a specialist to remove your asbestos as opposed to completing the procedure yourself.

Everybody knows the dangers of asbestos, however, many people are not aware that the substance is at its most dangerous when it is disturbed.

By attempting to remove asbestos in the UK without being educated on the best practices of handling the material, you are more likely to allow the dangerous asbestos fibres to release into the air. This not only puts you at serious risk of inhaling these extremely hazardous fibres, but it also endangers anyone who passes through the area for the foreseeable future.

To emphasise the dangers of asbestos, it is still reported that asbestos-related diseases are still responsible for approximately 5500 deaths in the UK every year. So, for the safety of both yourself and everyone else within your UK property, it is crucial that you do not attempt to remove asbestos by yourself.

Meet the government’s asbestos regulations with RB Asbestos

At RB Asbestos, we provide an array of specialist asbestos services that are all in line with the current legal requirements.

Our services include asbestos management, asbestos surveys, training and much more, so you are guaranteed to find the service that you require to improve the safety of your property at RB Asbestos.

We work with a diverse range of different businesses on top of many individuals, so whatever your budget or requirements we would be more than happy to listen to your current situation.

To explore the wide range of services that we offer in more detail, head over our accredited asbestos services page today.

Contact RB Asbestos today

If you are concerned with regards to the possibility of your property containing asbestos, please don’t hesitate to contact the specialists at RB Asbestos today. Our specialist team have over 30 years of experience in providing asbestos management services, you can guarantee that we will be able to handle any asbestos related worries that you may have.

To speak directly to one of our friendly and knowledgeable advisors today, give our team a call now on 0800 141 2676.

Alternatively if you are unable to speak to us over the phone right now, you can request for us to contact you at a more convenient time by completing our quick and simple online contact form.

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